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Looking forward to social media trends, several social media platforms that you should pay attention to when advertising in 2024

By understanding social media trends, we can better grasp the laws and characteristics of information dissemination and formulate more precise brand promotion strategies. In order to allow advertisers to keep their advertising on social media platforms forward-looking, LoveAd has compiled several social media platforms that you should pay most attention to this year.

  1. TikTok

Short video is one of the most popular, best-performing, and highest-ROI platforms. Given this, it’s no surprise that TikTok usage is growing as it caters to short-form videos. The report states that TikTok has the second-highest potential audience growth in 2024.
TikTok is a great platform to reach Gen Z as our Consumer Trends Survey found that 62% of Gen Z use TikTok and it is also the platform where Gen Z spends the most time.


Data shows that Facebook usage will increase significantly in 2023, so 2024 is worth watching. Especially considering that the top trend in 2024 is investing in social media communities, and Facebook is the best platform to do so.

3、Live audio platform

Live audio chat rooms are on the rise in 2023, becoming the most watched form of media. Among all social media marketing, Facebook Live Audio is the most popular and has become the most commonly used live audio platform among social media marketers, followed by Twitter Spaces.


In 2024, X’s development momentum continues to be strong. X uses data analysis and artificial intelligence technology to improve personalized recommendation functions, provide users with more accurate content recommendations, and improve user experience and engagement. In order to increase revenue sources and users’ willingness to pay, X will also explore new business models, such as paid subscriptions, virtual goods, games, etc. These initiatives will help increase X’s business value and profitability and further consolidate its position in the social media field.
The United States has the largest number of X users, with 79.6 million users. They account for approximately 16.7% of all X users worldwide.
X users in the US are very loyal and use the platform frequently:
96% of U.S. X users visit the platform monthly
52% of U.S. X users say they use X platform every day


As of the third quarter of 2023, Snapchat had 406 million daily active users worldwide.
84% of U.S. social media users are aware of Snapchat.

39% of Snapchat users consult friends and family when making a purchase. If potential customers see your product on Snapchat, they can more easily message friends to get their opinions.

6、New social media platform

In the ever-evolving world of social media, new platforms are emerging, bringing new ideas and opportunities to users and marketers alike. Here are some upcoming platforms worth keeping an eye on. For example, Threads was launched by Meta in July 2023; there is also Lemon8, a new social platform owned by ByteDance.

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